Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Laundry, work and NyQuil...

The things that take up my time right now... My apologies for not writing the past two days, I've been sick (still am cruddy) and I haven't felt like doing anything, but still having to work. NyQuil has been my friend the past few nights :) 

Last night after work, I got to see the pictures Jenny posted from the reunion, and I'm so jealous I didn't get to come! It looks like everyone had such a good time! I miss you all very much!

I am sitting down in my basement laundry room waiting for the clothes to finish, and just got to talk to daddy for a minute. Makes me realize how much I miss being home and seeing everyone so often... Monday night dinners at mamaws... Miss you!

Oh, and I went out for a second to the drugstore yesterday morning, and this is what I found on my corner...

Monday, August 12, 2013

A new beginning...

Well, it has officially began... Jason, Kori and I are sitting in the airport in Monroe waiting on our plane to head to NYC and begin our foot search for our apartments. As much as we have researched and hunted online, I know there's nothing that can prepare us for this amazing journey we are about to begin. 

We have all been blessed with parents that support us and will be praying for us as we make this trip, and we are so grateful. I don't think we could make it without them behind us. As I write this, I just received a text from mama...

Prayer For Protection
The light of God surrounds me
The love of God enfolds me
The power of God protects me
The presence of God watches over me
Wherever I am,God is.

I have so much faith that we are making the right decision and that God will lead us in our search. 

Today we will meet up with Leo and stay with his brother-in-law, who so graciously is letting us crash at his place! We will begin our search this afternoon, so fingers crossed :)

We would love your prayers, as I know this is going to be a hard new journey for us. We are all strong and I know we will survive, but only with the support and prayers of those who love us and the drive and faith of ourselves.  

As the great Ferris Bueller says... "Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."